Our Children’s Workers
Below you will find some profiles of our children’s workers. Our workers go through a background check, we have CPR trained and security trained workers onsite. At Victory we want your children to have a great time, be safe and learn more about God.
Andrew Hon
Andrew Hon is our Transportation and Junior Church leader for our Children’s Ministry at Victory. With 10 younger brothers and sisters he has lot of experience corralling kids but having fun. He will make sure your children are safe and also learn more about God while they are here.
Paulette McClure
Paulette has x children and x grandchildren. She loves kids and teaches the 4yr old through 3rd grade.
Lois Buck
Lois is a retired christian school teacher. She helps oversee the Children’s Bible Classes and make sure we have supplies, materials and fills in when needed.
Micah Hon
Homeschooler that is brother to 10 other siblings. Micah now is graduated and teaching in the public school system. He teaches 4-6th grade and junior church.
Ethan and Eighmy Halydier
Parents of seven children who they home school. Kids church workers and also working in our Patch Club Ministry.
Cheryl Lynch
Cheryl is our nursery coordinator. She makes sure all polices and volunteers are in place for infant through 3 years old.